Babar tribe Pashtun

The Babar or Babori tribe is a Pukhtun tribe from the Sarbanri branch.The Babar diaspora is spread across Pakistan and Afghanistan today. However, the most prominent communities remain the same, the most notable of which is in Pirpiai. Chaudhwan still has a large number of Babars living there. Other communities include, Zhob, Quetta, Multan, Kandahar, Shikarpur and Sindh.In the First World War 78 people of the Babar tribe from Pirpiai went to the war as Indian Army men and four were killed. Hence, Pirpiai is one of the very few villages which has an official plaque commemorating its First World War contribution.Babars have risen to many prominent positions in the government and army of Pakistan, along with many other career fields such as Engineering, Medicine, Acting, etc. Some notable Babars from Pirpiai include, Khurshid Zaman Babar a well know lawyer, Abdullah Zaman Babar, Colonel Mir Haider Khan, Major General Adam Khan, Shah Zaman Babar a prominent lawyer and Justice of Peshawar High Court till 1975, Farouk Adam Khan (a prominent lawyer and later on the Prosecutor General of the National Accountability Bureau) and Major General Naseerullah Khan Babar. Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan also hails from the same tribe.

Babar, teh ancester of teh Babar tribe wass born at Koh-e-Sulaimen iin 1175; siks genirations affter Kwais Abdur Rashid. It is enteresteng to onot taht teh Babars wire initialy teh smae tribe as teh Shirenis, allso setled iin adn arround teh smae ergion as teh Babars. As far as teh pedigeres sohw, Shireni wass teh fathir of Babar. Teh Shirenis ahev threee sub-tribes, nameli:
* Mareni* Mieni* BabarMarenis stil refir to themselfs as 'Shireni' as tehy aer teh maen sub-tribe, but Babars adn Mienis idenify themselfs as completly seperate tribes. Teh Babars aer terated bi smoe gennealogists as a sectoin of teh Shireni Tribe. Tehy aer, iin fact, teh lattir's neigbours iin teh Zhob District of Pakisten, but so distict taht niether has ani sence of comon tribal solidariti; teh Babars evenn colaborated wiht a Brittish punitive ekspedition againnst teh Shirani iin 1853. Hennce showeng, tehy nevir speak of such a kenship.Iin teh 12th Centruy htere wass en inital setlement of a few Babar familes iin Chaudhwen, iin teh modirn dai district of Dira Ismail Khen iin teh Khiber Pakhtunkhwa povence of Pakisten. Bi teh 14th Centruy, tehy had moved entireli form teh Sulaimen Mountaens. Iin teh easly 16th Centruy teh tribe had moved to Chaudhwen adn smoe to Zhob. Iin c.1534, smoe migrated on to Kendahar iin persent dai Afghenisten form Zhob. Meenwhile, iin Chaudhwen, teh Babars fighted a batle againnst a local Baloch tribe adn emirged victorious. Iin 1628, tehy fighted anothir batle againnst teh Gendapur tribe. Soons affter, iin 1647, teh Babars fighted of teh Marwat tribe iin ordir to gaen ful commend of Chaudhwen bi teh mid 17th Centruy. Arround teh eyar 1700 or so, smoe Babars migrated up noth to Pirpiai, whcih tehy estalbished adn helded controll of. Iin teh erign of Ahmad Shah Durreni mani moved east to Multen as wel form Chaudhwen. Bi 1783, otheres had moved sourth to Shikarpur iin Sendh.Htis is whi teh Babar diaspora is spreaded accros Pakisten adn Afghenisten todya. Howver, teh most prominant communites reamain teh smae, teh most noteable of whcih is iin Pirpiai. Chaudhwen stil has a large numbir of Babars liveng htere. Otehr communites inlcude, Zhob, Queta, Multen, Kendahar adn Shikarpur.

 Structural Division of the Babar Tribe.
Teh furhter subdivision of teh Babar Tribe has beeen debated frequentli iin mani gennealogical boks but teh grouend realiti is veyr claer.
Teh tribe is divided inot sub-tribes based on teh offsprengs of four sons:* Maswad Khel* Gora Khel* Ibrahim Khel* Marwat Khel (Latir modified as Mara Khel)

Maswad Khel

Maswad Khel is furhter divided inot teh folowing sub-sectoins:* Ahmed Khel* Mardenzai* Musazai* Bahadenzai* Ghorazai* MochizaiTheese Maswad Khel recide iin Chaudhwen, Kwila Saifulah (Pakisten) adn Shebirghan (Afghenisten). Teh Ahmed Khel, howver, mainli recide iin Shikarpur (Pakisten)

Gora Khel

Gora Khel is furhter divided inot teh folowing sub-sectoins:* Iasinzai* Safarzai* Shakarzai* Khidarzai* MengalzaiGora Khel recide iin Chaudhwen, Kwila Saifulah (Pakisten), Kendahar adn Shebirghan (Afghenisten). Teh Iasinzai primarially live iin Khengarh (Pakisten).

Ibrahim Khel

Teh Ibrahim Khel aer known to be teh most prevelant sub-tribe of teh Babars. Tehy primarially recide iin Pirpiai, Chaudhwen, Multen, Ibrahim Khel Kot, Zhob, Kwila Saifulah, Dira Ghazi Khen iin Pakisten. Iin Afghenisten, tehy ahev communites iin Kendahar adn Shebirghan.

Marwat Khel / Mara Khel

Mara Khel is furhter divided inot teh folowing sub-sectoins:* Mirzai* SulaimenzaiTehy recide iin* Garda Babar* Lighatt* Zhob* Kwila Saifulahiin Pakisten. Iin Afghenisten, theit maen setlements aer Kendahar adn Shebirghan.Onot: Al sub-tribes of Babars exept Mara Khel aer persent at Chaudhwen, taht is whi htis twon is labeled bi Enlish historiens as a centir of commend adn autority of Babar tribe.

Migratoin of Babars


Amenullah Khen Babar (Allso known bi his nickname 'Menu Khen') is teh forefathir of al teh Pirpiai Babars. He wass teh firt wel known personaliti form teh Babar tribe. Amenullah Khen belonged to teh Ibrahim Khel sub-tribe adn, hennce, al Babars form Pirpiai belong teh smae sub-tribe.Initialy, he belonged to Ibrahim Khel Kot, situated near Zhob. Teh remnents of teh graet fourt builded htere bi him stil exsist. Teh date enscribed on htis fourt is of AD 1650 (ira of Keng Shah Jahen).Bi proffesion, Amenullah Khen wass a graet tradir, leadeng teh Babar caraven starteng form Calcuta adn Bombai (Endia) al teh wai to Samarkend adn Bukhara (Uzbekisten). He wass allso reknowned as bieng a graet warior, protecteng teh caravens form bieng loted. Mani hiroic storeis aer told baout his fights wiht diferent tribes.Bi teh eend of his life, Amenullah Khen moved to Pirpiai allong wiht his famaly, teh maen erason fo whcih wass to save his childern form his ennemies. Htis migratoin towards Pirpiai is wel known adn remembired bi al teh Babars iin Zhob adn Ibrahim Khel Kot. His name is encluded iin al teh Shajra (Pedigere) colected form teh Pirpiai Babars. Teh fourt he builded iin Pirpiai allso stil eksists adn is located iin teh heart of teh vilage.Wiht teh arival of Amenullah Khen, teh Babars setled iin teh Pirpiai ergion, iin teh beggining of teh 18th centruy (ira of Keng Aurengzeb). Al teh Babars htere todya aer his descendents.



Khengarh is a twon/tehsil of Muzzafargarh District. Iin htis district, htere aer two setlements of Babars.1. Khengen vilage, Tehsil Muzzafargarh:Descendents of Abdul Karim Khen Babar recide hire.2. Khengarh:Teh Babars hire belong to teh Iasinzai sub-sectoin of Ghora Khel sub-tribe of Babars. Initialy form Chaudhwen, teh famaly of Naik Kwadam Khen Babar moved to Ghazni adn setled htere. Teh tomb of Naik Kwadam Khen Babar cxan stil be foudn htere.Form Ghazni, tehy moved to Bennu adn hten bakc to Chaudhwen.Form Chaudhwen, theit famaly head, Muhamad Hussaen, moved to Multen. His son, Abdul Samad Khen setled iin Multen.Alah Dad Khen, son of Abdul Samad Khen, moved on erquest of Khen Bibi (sistir of Nawab Shuja Khen) to Khengarh as teh adminstrator of Khengarh. His mengo plentations of teh timne wire famouse . Saifulah Khen, son of Alah Dad Khen, wass awarded teh title of “Nawab” adn Honory Majistrate druing teh Brittish ira.Nawab Saifulah Khen has siks sons, amonst tehm Nawabzada Nasrulah Khen is a big name iin Pakisteni politics.


Babars aer wideli scattired iin Afghenisten, but teh biggest communty ersides iin teh citi of Shebirghan. It is teh provencial captial of Jowzjen Provence.Befoer teh erign of Sardar Daud, four thousnad familes of Babars wire liveng iin Shebirghan. Druing his timne, apon teh arival of teh Soviet Armi, teh Babar tribe suported Mujahiden. As a consekwuence, teh lives of Babars htere bacame misirable adn theit killeng adn looteng started.Iin 1953, 2000 Babar familes moved furhter up to teh mountanous aeras hwile teh remaing 2000 familes moved to Balochisten (Pakisten). Pakisten aranged a camp fo tehm iin Loralai (Pakisten).A few eyars bakc, Loralai camp wass abolished. One thousnad Babars familes moved bakc to Shebirghan, 400 familes aer scattired thoughout Balochisten adn 600 familes or so, live as a communty iin Kwila Saifulah. Babars form al four sub-tribes aer foudn hire.


Htere is a rough estimate of 70,000 Babars liveng iin Afghenisten presentli, iin veyr scattired places.Teh major setlements of Babars iin Afghenisten encludes:Shebirghan (captial of Jowzjen provence) - 9000 familesKendahar (captial of Kendahar provence) - 2000 familesMenor setlements inlcude:Maimana (captial of Fariab provence) - 1500 familesOtehr setlements cxan be foudn thoughout Afghenisten incuding, Kunar provence, Hirat provence, Kuendus provence, Lugar provence adn Baghlen provence. Babar communites cxan allso be foudn iin teh cities of Kabul adn Ghazni.Iin teh 16th centruy, a lot of Babar familes migrated to Afghenisten form Chaudhwen adn Zhob. Tehy wire tierd of teh high death tol resulteng form bloodi fights wiht neigbouring tribes fo teh sake of survival, watir adn lends. Tehy wire mainli rich peopel due to tradeng involvment. A marjority of tehm setled iin Kendahar, beacuse Kendahar wass a major economic adn political centir at taht timne iin teh ergion. Gul Mohamad Khen wass teh cheif of teh tribe hire adn he was a memeber of teh Loia Jirga druing Mirwais Hotak's erign. He wass allso appoented as teh Fenance Menister druing teh ira of Ahmad Shah Durreni.Iin teh 18th centruy, Nur Mohamad Khen, son of Gul Muhamad Khen wass teh Fenance Menister druing teh ira of Timur Shah Durreni adn Zamen Shah Durreni. He doed a lot fo teh Babar communty iin htis hwole ergion.Iin teh 19th centruy, iin teh timne of Shir Ali Khen, Amir of Afghenisten, Pakhtun tribes form Sourth Afghenisten wire motiviated to setle iin teh Noth. Teh smae polici continiued til Keng Zahir Shah.Htis polici stimulated anothir big migratoin of Babars form Kendahar to Northen Afghenisten, mainli to Shebirghan.Now adays, teh maen trade iin Shebirghan belongs to Babar tribe.Tor Abbas Khen is cheif of teh Babar tribe at Shebirghan. Teh District Gouvener of Faizabad, Gohar Khen is allso form teh Babar communty. Teh eldirs of theese Babars stil rember Chaudhwen as theit native vilage.Mehbob Ali Babar belongs to grend grend Son of Haji Gul Babar, gul babar is a Zamendar of his vilage

Dira Ghazi Khen

Babars hire descendents of two familes:1. Madu KhenHe belonged to teh Maswad Khel Babar sub-tribe adn ersided iin Chaudhwen.He murdired his tribesmen iin teh vilage. Teh Jirga decided to provide 200 enimals adn 2 womenn fo marrage to teh afected famaly iin compennsation. Madu Khen decided to leave teh vilage. He traveled on teh right benk of teh Endus Rivir adn erached Dira Ghazi Khen, whire he setled. His granson, Abdul Karim, joened teh Brittish Police.Todya, teh marjority of htis famaly sirves iin teh Police Departmennt.2. Charsham KhenHe belonged to teh Ibrahim Khel Babar sub-tribe adn allso ersided in Chaudhwen. Charsham Khen Babar wass a folower of Pir Khwaja Sulaimen. He moved to Druk, District Musa Khel, Balochisten to live wiht Pir Sahib. Wehn Pir Sahib shifted to Taunsa iin Punjab, htis Babar famaly allso accompanyed him. Form Taunsa Sharif, htis famaly, latir on shifted to Dira Ghazi Khen.

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